
Beth Talks Family History of MS, 'Life in Progress,' & More!


Ira Feinstein: You became a physical therapist before you became a Feldenkrais practitioner. What drew you to PT?

Beth Rubenstein: Some of my earliest childhood memories were of my father’s illness, of him going to the hospital, coming home, being in bed. I grew up with an awareness of disability and sickness.  Multiple Sclerosis was a common discussion in my family. My father had MS, his brother died of it in the 30’s, and my sister in the 70’s.  

I gravitated to volunteer work in hospitals and worked with some children who needed help at home.  I was elated in high school when I learned that I could make a living helping people with physical difficulties. 

Ira: What was your path after PT school? 

Beth: I got a job as a PT, and I loved it. I wanted to learn everything and do everything. I was very interested in how the brain knew how to move. That fascinated me. I took a three-month Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) training— a stretching technique that can imp...

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November 2024 Flash Sale

access news Nov 13, 2024


For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Fall is quickly giving way to Winter. Losing daylight can cause a cascade of challenges: getting outside less can lead to becoming more sedentary, which can affect our ability to sleep soundly. Additionally, once the snow and ice arrive, we are at an increased risk of slipping and falling. To support you through these changing seasons, we're offering 40% off the following on-demand Feldenkrais programs: A Good Night's Sleep, Better Balance, & How to Survive Sitting through Monday, November 18. Find out more below!

A Good Night's Sleep

Are you or does someone you know having trouble sleeping? Feeling anxious and stressed? Our brain is concerned with keeping us safe. However, this means it sometimes reacts in ways that don’t help us to rest. Stress hormones are produced in our brain whether we are facing danger, or simply experiencing general anxiety. As stress hormones build up throughout the day, they can keep us from getting a deep, r...

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Practitioner-Focused Summer Sale

access news May 31, 2024
Most of us became Feldenkrais Practitioners because we saw the potential for a Functional Integration lesson to change the trajectory of someone's life, and to heal seemingly insurmountable problems.
Giving effective lessons requires learning how to blend technique with creativity and improvisation. A successful sixty-minute lesson might 'ask' the Practitioner to pull from hundreds of hours of experience.
Teaching others how to give such lessons is a unique skill in its own right--often the result of a lifetime of study and dedication. At Feldenkrais Access, we are lucky to be able to offer Functional Integration-focused programs by some of the most experienced and admired FI teachers of our time: Ruthy Alon, Dennis Leri, Olena Nitefor, and David Zemach-Bersin.
Our on-demand programs can provide you with hours of in-depth Functional Integration study that you can return to again and again. As we begin our Summer Sale, we'd like to offer you 40% off our FI-focused on-dema...
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May Flash Sale

access news May 20, 2024


During our May Flash Sale, we're offering 40% off the following online Feldenkrais programs: 

  • How to Survive Sitting: Learn to maintain your flexibility and freedom of movement while sitting! This seven-lesson program is designed to help you reduce the stress of sitting on your skeletal system and musculature. It is taught by David Zemach-Bersin. Sale: $71.40 (Reg $119)
  • Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress & Anxiety: A series of seven Feldenkrais lessons and seven short exercises designed to help you reduce symptoms of anxiety. Benefits include a greater ability to manage stress and improved overall well-being. Taught by David Zemach-Bersin. Sale: $71.40 (Reg $119)
  • Posture for Life: This program by David Zemach-Bersin stimulates new neural pathways in your brain to support the development of healthy posture, freedom of movement, and a greater sense of well-being. Each lesson will help you to dissolve old postural habits. Sale: $89.40 (Reg $149)
  • Liberate Your Spine: This origin
  • ...
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Scholarship Program

access news Jan 11, 2023

Ira Feinstein, Managing Director

When I was in my twenties, my favorite job was at a small nonprofit that gave me a sense of direction, a loving and supportive work environment, and a small paycheck. I could pay my bills and go out to eat now and again, but otherwise, I lived frugally. During that time, I found myself in pain—both physically and psychically—and I set out to find ways to alleviate both. I discovered— and found significant relief from—one-on-one Feldenkrais lessons, but the cost was prohibitive. Luckily, a friend of a friend offered to give me lessons for one-quarter of his regular price! It was still a lot of money for me, but I adjusted my budget just enough to make it work. The sessions became the highlight of any given week for almost two years. A decade-plus later, I’ve realized that even if I could’ve paid full price, there is no way I could truly quantify how profoundly those lessons changed me. To say that I might not still be here otherwise is not an overstatem...

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Can We Improve Your Access?

access news Jun 25, 2021
During the registration period for every live online series, we receive emails from people saying, "I'd love to join you for this series, but I live in XXX, and the exchange rate makes it impossible. Can you help?"
The answer is "Yes!" Whether you live in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, or any other country with an unfavorable exchange rate, we're happy to help. How does it work? Simply email Ira at [email protected] and let him know the course you're interested in and the currency you pay with, and he'll provide you with a link to register at a favorable, local-appropriate rate.
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About Our Scholarship Program

access news Jan 04, 2021
Hi! My name is Ira. I am the Managing Director of Feldenkrais Access. Though I usually hide in the background, I wanted to come to the foreground for a minute in order to talk to you about Feldenkrais Access's scholarship program.
When we began announcing live online classes this year, we put a notice at the bottom of every email saying "Scholarships available." I thought those two words would be enough to encourage people to reach out. I was wrong. What was needed was an invitation. We've been doing our best to invite you to apply for a scholarship via our emails and FB posts over the last few weeks. Maybe you've seen them?
There has been a theme to the emails that have arrived since we've started promoting this program: people feel bad asking for one. Maybe they already received a scholarship from us early this year, or they feel like the series is worth more than they can pay, or they've never had to ask for a scholarship before, and it is an uncomfortable place to be. This ...
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