Feldenkrais Access is excited to present an on-demand workshop with Juniper Perlis, where she shares strategies that she has used for many years to unravel chronic pain.
Estimates suggest that approximately 10% of the world's population is diagnosed with chronic pain each year. However, if you are experiencing chronic pain, you may feel very much alone. Pain can make us feel isolated and lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, helplessness, and exhaustion.
The Feldenkrais Method has a unique approach to addressing chronic pain. It's a process of self-care that is rooted in our capacity to heal ourselves, regardless of external circumstances or our physical condition. This offers a great deal of hope for those of us who are in pain!
Whether you have a new diagnosis, are recovering from emotional or physical trauma, or have been living with pain for decades, this workshop will offer reliable tools that you can use to feel better. If you are healing from neuralgia, fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, arthritis, back pain, knee pain, or any other type of pain, Feldenkrais lessons can help you learn how to change the habits that may be preventing you from making lasting and meaningful progress. As new neural pathways develop, patterns associated with chronic pain will begin to loosen and unwind. You will discover a unique path to comfort that does not require you to be different than you are.
Want to know more? Read this interview with Juniper about what brought her to the Feldenkrais Method, chronic pain, and more. And watch the replay of Juniper's live chat on YouTube.
Registration includes:
- Three Awareness Through Movement lessons
- Information to help you adapt the lessons to alternative positions
- Ability to submit your questions for Juniper to answer during a live post-workshop Q&A
- Lifetime access to recordings and option to download
Payment Options

About Juniper
Juniper Perlis first learned about the Feldenkrais Method when she was attending graduate school at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, where she studied sculpture, video installation, and performance art. After suffering an injury in the studio which led to a condition known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Juniper began to explore the Feldenkrais Method as a healing modality. Finding it to be extremely helpful, she enrolled in a Feldenkrais Practitioner training program. Today, she is the Managing Producer at Feldenkrais Access and maintains a private practice where she works with adults with chronic pain and illness, as well as with children, and animals. Juniper's teaching is inspired by her Buddhist meditation practice, and a strong desire to help others on their healing journey.