David Zemach-Bersin's newest series will provide you with powerful tools to help you navigate challenging times with greater resilience. Lessons designed to help you feel more comfortable in your body and your mind, come what may.
When your ankles are well-organized, they can support your weight efficiently, while allowing your knees and hips to move freely. Learn two ‘first-aid’ oriented, pain-relieving lessons to improve the organization and comfort of your ankles.
Back pain indicates that your spine could use some attention. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn three 'first-aid' oriented, pain-relieving lessons to improve the health and comfort of your spine by improving the way it's organized.
Our balance can diminish over time. Fortunately, it's possible to improve your balance. This is where Feldenkrais can make a difference. This series will improve your underlying organization and give you tools to develop better balance.
Three programs in one! This trilogy includes Intelligent Hips, Intelligent Knees, & Intelligent Feet with Raz Ori. For 30% off the combined retail price, you'll have eighteen Feldenkrais lessons designed to help you walk with ease.
In this on-demand program, David Zemach-Bersin offers a series of “gravity and time-defying” Feldenkrais lessons designed to help you regain the healthy length of your spine and reduce wear and tear caused by asymmetrical posture and movement habits.
This program with Carol Kress features adventurous Feldenkrais lessons using aspects of yoga asanas. Discover new pathways for your yoga practice as you explore how to eliminate resistance.
Twenty Feldenkrais lessons designed to reduce acute pain in your ankles, back, hands, hips, knees, mouth & jaw, neck, and shoulders. These gentle lessons are designed to reduce pain, restore comfort, and help you recover.
Get a better night's sleep! Paris Kern's program combines Feldenkrais lessons with the 'Sounder Sleep System' to help you develop your ability to return to a parasympathetic state whenever you wish.
Pain or tension in our hands can make even simple actions challenging. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn two lessons that you can use to improve the comfort and flexibility of your hands.
Improve your ocular circulation and reduce muscular tension! Raz Ori's program helps you improve the organization of your eyes and re-activate visual biological abilities that are no longer present in daily life.
Our hip joints play a vital role in our comfort and ease of movement. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn two pain-relieving lessons to restore, improve, protect, and maintain the health of your hip-joints.
Sitting for extended periods of time is not easy on your body. In this program, David Zemach-Bersin teaches Feldenkrais lessons designed to reduce the stress of sitting. Free sample lesson.
Raz Ori invites us to explore our upright organization and improve the way we walk. The Feldenkrais lessons in this program will help you to revive the dynamic use of your feet and restore their mobility.
Our largely sedentary lifestyle compromises the health of our hip joints, contributing to pain, decreased mobility, and balance problems. This program will help you revive the healthy use of your hip joints.
Raz Ori's program improves the flexibility, agility, and comfort of your knees and the quality of your walking. This program will give you a set of protective and restorative lessons that you can use for self-care.
If your knees are poorly organized, shearing forces may cause inflammation and injury. Learn two ‘first-aid’ oriented, pain-relieving lessons to help you restore the health of your knees.
Learn how your breathing can be used to regulate your nervous system, improve your posture, and bring you into a neurologically harmonious state. Taught by David Zemach-Bersin. Free sample lesson.
If you work with your hands, type, play music, or have RSI, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or neurological impairments, this program taught by David Zemach-Bersin will help you.
Learn ways to use your brain-body connection to bring about significant improvements in your mood! Engage your brain's neuroplasticity to change muscular tension which both creates and causes anxiety.
Experience headaches, eyestrain, anxiety, or other symptoms frequently related to TMJ problems? This program with David Zemach-Bersin will help you decrease chronic contraction of your mouth, jaw, and eyes.
Good neuromuscular organization of our neck and shoulders is important to our well-being. This program with David Zemach-Bersin will provide you with the tools you need to decrease tension in your neck and shoulders.
Over the course of this program with David Zemach-Bersin, your spine will begin to regain its natural capacity for comfort, efficient organization, and ease of movement. Discover your spines full potential when liberated from habits and patterns of overuse and neglect!
Many people develop an unconscious habit of holding muscular tension in their mouth & jaw. This can cause contribute to headaches, eye pain, and teeth grinding. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn two 'first-aid' oriented lessons to ease pain in your mouth & jaw.
With poor postural organization, the muscles of your neck must work hard to hold your head up, and can easily become sore and injured. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn three pain-relieving lessons to help you restore, improve, and protect, your neck.
Your posture matters. It impacts your comfort, ease of movement, health, emotions, and experience of life. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, each lesson will be an opportunity to dissolve self-limiting postural habits that hold you back and replace them with more effective organization.
Habitual tension is often linked to anxiety and other related emotional challenges. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn how to change your body pattern of stress and anxiety.
Your shoulders support your neck and head, and provide ease of mobility to your arms and hands. In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn three ‘first-aid’ oriented lessons to help you reduce tension, and maintain the comfort of your shoulders.
The Feldenkrais lessons in this program with David Zemach-Bersin are specifically constructed to help you restore your chest's capacity for freedom of movement. Each lesson will help you regain the suppleness and flexibility of your ribcage and chest.
For almost 50 years, David Zemach-Bersin has been applying the Feldenkrais Method to help people with back pain. These effective lessons will help you reduce back pain, stimulate your 'built-in' healing processes, and avoid back problems in the future.
This growing archive currently houses 399 Feldenkrais-related articles that have been published over the last sixty years. Topics include Moshe Feldenkrais, research, general health, chronic pain, and more.
Bring your nervous system back to a calm, restorative state in this program by David Zemach-Bersin. (Sold through Movement & Creativity. Will not appear in FA library.)
Looking for a way to introduce loved ones to the Feldenkrais Method? Give them an FA Sampler! Program includes five highly accessible Feldenkrais lessons with David Zemach-Bersin.
Many of us put unnecessary strain on our hands, causing them to become sore, tense, strained, and injured. This program by David Zemach-Bersin will help improve the comfort of your hands and wrists.
Each Feldenkrais lesson in this expanding library offers an effective neuromuscular 'exercise' that can improve your body's organization by stimulating your brain's plasticity and guiding its learning process.
Russell Delman's program harnesses the power of the Feldenkrais Method, meditation, and guided inquiry. His teachings—developed over 45 years —provide a road map to help you break free from old, limiting patterns.
This book by David Zemach-Bersin & Mark Reese will help you improve your posture, flexibility, and physical comfort. Exercises target the lower back, shoulders, neck, spine, eyes, feet, and jaw. (Sold through 3rd party.)
David Zemach-Bersin presents four stress-melting Feldenkrais experiences to help you calm and relax your body and nervous system. These are the lessons David uses to de-stress!
Improve the comfort of your eyes and the quality of your vision in this program by David Webber. Seeing Clearly can reduce your dependence on eyeglasses and lessen the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome.
David Zemach-Bersin and Carol Kress's gentle and effective program is ideal for beginners and those recovering from physical setbacks or injuries.
The lessons in this program are designed to reduce back pain and facilitate the development of new postural habits, which are protective, shock-absorbing, and improve your balance and ease of movement.
Created by Elizabeth Beringer and David Zemach-Bersin, lessons for physical comfort, ease of movement, and a greater sense of well-being.
This program by Mark Reese and David Zemach-Bersin is a rich source of information on how to maintain healthy movement. Special consideration given to problems associated with sitting for too long.
David Zemach-Bersin and Marek Wyszynski guide you through twelve developmentally oriented lessons to restore your nervous system through rocking, rolling, and oscillating movements.
Our 'fight or flight' response is great in an emergency, but it is not healthy for us to maintain regularly. Learn how to move from hyper-vigilant to calm with these short exercises by David Zemach-Bersin.
David Zemach-Bersin presents FI lessons with expanded narration and analysis to help us understand Functional Integration as both a methodology and a creative art form.
David Zemach-Bersin presents more FI lessons with expanded narration and analysis to help us understand Functional Integration as both a methodology and a creative art form.
In this workshop, David Zemach-Bersin shares a radical three-dimensional way of working that can be extremely effective and full of insights for the serious practitioner.
Skills for beginning a successful FI lesson! Topics include the Functional Integration Interview & applying the scientific method in Functional Integration.
Ruthy Alon at her most brilliant and generous all while demonstrating her profoundly diverse and creative FI skills. This virtuoso workshop is essential viewing!
Learn how movement primitives are found at all levels of action and are the basis for human movement with Dennis Leri. Their proper use can make FI lessons more meaningful and effective.
Ruthy Alon shares memories and materials from the Tel Aviv Training.
Olena Nitefor and David Zemach-Bersin demonstrate the reorganizing effect of oppositional movement.
Two original lessons by David Zemach-Bersin, one bonus ATM lesson with Ruthy Alon, and six brilliant FI demonstrations with Ruthy, David, Olena Nitefor, and Dennis Leri.
Five free posters for your home office, private practice rooms, or classes available for downloading and printing.
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