Improving your sleep may be the single most important thing you can do to benefit your overall health and well-being. Sleep is restorative, aiding in cellular repair and reducing inflammation. It supports our nervous system, immune system, our skeletal and muscular systems, and our hormonal system. Sleep helps to regulate our mood, our capacity for concentration, our memory, our cardiovascular health, and our energy levels.
People often report feeling sleepy or falling asleep while doing Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons. This is because the Feldenkrais lessons help to bring about certain changes in our autonomic nervous system. And, it's possible to access those same positive changes to help ourselves have a deeply restorative sleep at night. Feldenkrais Trainer Paris Kern taught this series to help you reduce stress in the daytime and improve your sleep at night.
In this program, Paris combines Feldenkrais lessons with a Feldenkrais-inspired approach known as the 'Sounder Sleep System®.' You will enjoy the benefits of full-length lessons and learn a collection of short movements that you can use during the day to support and develop your ability to return to a parasympathetic or relaxed neurological state whenever you wish. The lessons are gentle and accessible to everyone, helping you repair your relationship with sleep and access the many restorative benefits associated with a 'good night's sleep.'
Try Class One!
Delicate Fingers: An Introduction to Calming
"Paris clearly taught practical methods for helping me be a sounder sleeper. The workshop materials were easy to use and well-organized. I learned movements I can do any time and anywhere to calm down my nervous system. Highly recommended!"
-Simon Sng, Director, Centre for Expressive & Somatic Psychotherapy, Hong Kong
Program includes:
- Six Feldenkrais lessons
- Six Sounder SleepTM techniques to practice between Feldenkrais lessons
- Five Q&A sessions
- Lifetime access to recordings and option to download
- Alternative positions for lessons shown when possible
Lessons included:
- Delicate Fingers: An Introduction to Calming
- More Breathing Space, More Calm
- Self Hug
- Freeing Your Shoulders and Hips with Breath
- Painting the Air
- Touching Your Breath
Payment Options

About Paris
Paris Kern has been a Feldenkrais Teacher since 1992, and a Feldenkrais Trainer since 2016. She is also an authorized Sounder Sleep System teacher and creator of ‘Your Body Sings,' a Feldenkrais approach for singers and instrumentalists. Paris currently runs the Feldenkrais Center of Southern Vermont, where she works with people of all ages and abilities.