Join David Zemach-Bersin and friends online! Options include weekly theme-based classes and advanced trainings for Feldenkrais professionals.
Live Online Events
January 9-February 13
Live online and on-demand
If you have shoulder pain or have developed habits involving shoulder tension, consider treating yourself to this series. David is one of the world's most experienced Feldenkrais teachers and brings 50 years of clinical experience to his online classes and programs. He looks forward to sharing effective, innovative Feldenkrais lessons that you can use to keep your shoulders safe, comfortable, and pain-free.
Try the first class--FREE!
February 1-March 8
Live online and on-demand
In many ways, Feldenkrais lessons are an ideal resource for people who have multiple sclerosis because they focus on what we can do instead of what we can’t do and strengthen the neurological pathways that organize our balance and coordination by engaging our brain's neuroplasticity. Please join Beth Rubenstein to enjoy six classes designed to improve your neuromuscular health. Try the first class--FREE!
February 20-March 27
Live online and on-demand
Feldenkrais lessons are uniquely designed to restore your ability to move with lightness and ease. Based on organic movement patterns, the lessons presented in this Feldenkrais series with Raz Ori, will reignite your brain's ability to seek and find efficiency and ease in your movement.
Try the first class--FREE!