Triptych of a vintage medical illustration of Lumbar Vertebrae, Moshe Feldenkrais, and close up of the face of bronze smiling Buddha statue as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Access Professional Sampler lessons

David Zemach-Bersin has created a beautiful sampler set of materials for Practitioners. It includes two original Awareness Through Movement lessons and six brilliant Functional Integration demonstrations with Ruthy Alon, David Zemach-Bersin, Olena Nitefor, and Dennis Leri.

Want to gift this sampler to a friend? Send us an email at [email protected]

"David's teaching has rejuvenated my understanding and practice of our wonderful method. His influence has caused my teaching of ATM and FI to become more elegant and effective - no small thing for this practitioner of thirty years standing!"

-Alan Fraser (Hawaii '92)

Program includes:
  • Six Functional Integration demos
  • Two Awareness Through Movement® lessons
  • One bonus ATM lesson with Ruthy Alon
  • Soothe & Calm program, a series of short stress-reducing lessons 
  • 50% off coupon for purchase of one of the programs featured in sampler, should they wish to add it to their library
  • User's Guide and tips for self-care
  • Lifetime access to recordings
  • Option to download recordings
FI Demos included:
  1. 'How the Tongue Can Organize the Neck' with David Zemach-Bersin from the Feldenkrais Method in Action, Vol 2
  2. 'In Prone and Supine with Elegant Head and Neck Work' with Ruthy Alon from Learning from Moshe Feldenkrais 
  3. 'Clarifying the Primitives' with Dennis Leri from An Introduction to the Primitives
  4. 'The Full Mobility of the Spine' with Olena Nitefor from The Principle of Oppositional Movement
  5. 'Rounding to Stand Tall' with David Zemach-Bersin from Harmonizing in FI
  6. 'Expanding the Quality of Sensation' with David Zemach-Bersin from Harmonizing in FI
ATM lessons included:
  1. 'Articulating Your Spine' with David Zemach-Bersin from Liberate Your Spine
  2. 'Connecting Your Tongue' with David Zemach-Bersin from Liberate Your Mouth & Jaw 
  3. Bonus Lesson: 'Swimming with Your Feet' taught by Ruthy Alon from Learning from Moshe Feldenkrais

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David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a colorful tapestry

About David


Senior Feldenkrais Trainer David Zemach-Bersin met Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais in 1973 and studied with him for over ten years in the U.S., England, and Israel. He also studied extensively in Israel and the U.S., with Gaby Yaron and Yochanon Rywerant, both of whom graduated from Dr. Feldenkrais' first training program. Other influences on his work have been Yang form Tai Chi, Aikido, meditation, systems biology, and phenomenology. He has maintained a private Functional Integration practice since 1977 and is recognized for his contribution to strengthening Dr. Feldenkrais’s legacy. A graduate of UC Berkeley with two years of post-graduate work in physiological psychology, David has created numerous audio and video programs for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the general public and is the co-author of Relaxercise (HarperCollins). He is a past President of FGNA, and a co-founder of Feldenkrais Resources and the Feldenkrais Institute of New York. David has directed seventeen Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs and teaches advanced trainings around the globe. Since 2020, he has been teaching primarily online and has worked to synthesize his thinking and the profound benefits of Dr. Feldenkrais' ideas in programs for both Feldenkrais Teachers and the public, most of which can be found at David would like to acknowledge his debt to Mark Reese and Dennis Leri, whose intellect and friendship he greatly misses. David and his life partner, Kaethe, live in the Farmington Valley area of Connecticut.