Nineteen Feldenkrais Audio-only Lessons to Help Restore Your Postural Health
Your posture matters. It influences the way you carry yourself through life and encounter the world. Partially self-created, your postural habits reflect aspects of your early development, your physical history, your habits of self-use, and your relationship to your environment.
Healthy posture is: when your skeleton is organized to carry your weight in a comfortable, balanced way without straining your musculature. It’s a feeling of being fundamentally supported while upright, uplifted, and able to move around with ease. Healthy posture is stable yet flexible and helps to promote a general sense of well-being.
"I walked towards the mirror and I looked like a different person: straight and elegant without effort!"
-Ana Cuevas
"What a fabulous course. I'm feeling taller and freer. My long-term slouching habits are going away."
-Marie Court
Unhealthy posture is: being upright without sufficient skeletal support. This typically causes excessive muscular contraction which compresses the body and pulls it forward. With ineffective skeletal organization it is harder to hold yourself upright against gravity, and your muscles have to do the work that your skeleton should be doing. People with poor posture are more likely to feel tense, achy, tired, and less energetic.
The nineteen Feldenkrais exercises or 'lessons' in this program are effective tools for your self-care. Interacting with your nervous system on behalf of your body, they are designed to reduce back pain and facilitate the development of new postural habits which are protective, shock-absorbing, and improve your balance and ease of movement. Audio-only.

Twelve-plus hour program includes:
- Nineteen ATM lessons
- Three discussions
- Lifetime access to the program
- Option to download audios
Lessons included:
- Gaining Length Through Folding, Pt 1
- A More Supple Spine
- Gaining Length through Folding, Pt 2
- Organizing Your Back to Stand Tall
- Lengthening from Your Feet to Your Head
- Swinging Your Legs to Improve Your Spine
- Lengthening Through a Simple Twist
- Lengthening Through Bending
- Freeing Your Pelvis
- Freeing Your Head and Neck for Better Posture
- Easy Standing
- Your Best Sitting Posture
- Arching for Better Posture
- Freeing Your Arms for Better Posture
- Better Posture Through Elongation
- Your Highest Point
- Sitting to Stand
- The Full Mobility of Your Spine
- Mobilizing Your Spine for Your Best Posture
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