X-ray view of woman with ponytail looking upward, showing the seven vertebral segments in the neck as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Neck Relief

Your neck holds your head (which weighs, on average, 10 – 11 lbs) up at the top of your body. With good postural organization, your head can balance atop your spine without stress or effort. But with poor postural organization, the muscles of your neck must work hard to hold your head up, and can easily become strained, overused, tense, sore, and injured.
In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn three ‘first-aid’ oriented, pain-relieving lessons to help you restore, improve, protect, and maintain the health of your neck.

“The Feldenkrais Method® is all about learning. That said, it’s harder to access our capacity for improvement if we are experiencing physical pain and discomfort. Physical discomfort makes ‘noise’ for our nervous system, creates tension and reduces our ability to create new neural pathways. Sometimes, we just want to get out of pain, and find relief. That’s what these lessons are for.” 

-David Zemach-Bersin

David brings over forty years of clinical experience to his online approach. His lessons are highly accessible, effective, and remarkably suited to home use. David believes that every person’s nervous system is available for learning and improvement. And he is confident that the Feldenkrais Method can help!

 "Post neck-fracture, there was a lot of restlessness in my body.  After these lessons, I felt like things are back in place and at rest."
-Program Participant
Program includes:
  • Three Feldenkrais lessons
  • Introductory talk & discussion
  • Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Neck
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download
  • Recordings show alternative position options

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David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a colorful tapestry

About David

David Zemach-Bersin graduated from the first Feldenkrais training held in the U.S. He is a warm, experienced teacher, recognized for his high level of expertise and forty-five years of dedication to the Feldenkrais Method. David has maintained a private practice since 1977. He currently directs Feldenkrais Access, and has been creating programs and teaching classes and workshops online for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the public since 2020. He lives in Farmington Valley, Connecticut.