The back of two hands reaching open toward a sky above a field as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Hand Relief

Our hands are involved in almost everything we do. Pain or tension in our hands can make even simple actions challenging. And, because our hands are so closely linked to our nervous system, they can both reflect -and affect- our emotional state.

In this program with David Zemach-Bersin, you will learn two first-aid Feldenkrais lessons that you can use to improve the comfort and flexibility of your hands. The lessons will be relaxing, protective, and emotionally soothing.

“The Feldenkrais Method® is all about learning. That said, it’s harder to access our capacity for improvement if we are experiencing physical pain and discomfort. Physical discomfort makes ‘noise’ for our nervous system, creates tension and reduces our ability to create new neural pathways. Sometimes, we just want to get out of pain, and find relief. That’s what these lessons are for.” 

-David Zemach-Bersin

David brings over forty years of clinical experience to his online approach. His lessons are highly accessible, effective, and remarkably suited to home use. David believes that every person’s nervous system is available for learning and improvement. And he is confident that the Feldenkrais Method can help!

"I love hand-focused Feldenkrais lessons! I have mild arthritis on my fingers and they really help.
-Previous Participant
Program includes:
  • Two Feldenkrais lessons
  • Introductory talk & discussion
  • Tips for Maintaining Healthy Hands
  • Lifetime access & option to download recordings
  • Recordings show alternative position options

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David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a colorful tapestry

About David

David Zemach-Bersin is a world-renowned Feldenkrais Teacher and Trainer whose warm, encouraging style reflects nearly five decades of helping people to heal and improve. As a graduate of the first U.S. Feldenkrais Teacher Training Program in 1977, David had the privilege of studying directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and has since dedicated his career to helping others find solutions to their physical challenges and access more of their potential. David has contributed to developing the field through training and mentoring new generations of Feldenkrais teachers and is also committed to expanding the public's access to the benefits of this important approach. He is the co-author of Relaxercise (HarperCollins), a popular introduction to the Feldenkrais Method. Currently, David serves as the Director of Feldenkrais Access, where, since 2020, he has been developing innovative online programs for both the public and Feldenkrais Practitioners. He lives with his family in Connecticut's Farmington Valley.