Woman sits in chair with dog in her lap as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Easy Sitting

Now Available On-demand

Standing is a surprisingly complex essential action. Although many people think standing is simple and motionless, it is actually a dynamic activity that involves constant micro-movement and requires coordination between your vestibular system, the muscles of your neck and back, spine, and the organization of your head and core. Join David Zemach-Bersin to learn two Feldenkrais lessons to improve your ability to stand comfortably, with both stability and flexibility.

Program includes:
  • Three Awareness Through Movement® lessons
  • Introductory talk
  • Information to help you adapt the lessons to alternative positions
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download

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$37 AUD


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$40 NZD


About David

David Zemach-Bersin graduated from the first Feldenkrais training held in the U.S. He is a warm, experienced teacher, recognized for his high level of expertise and forty-five years of dedication to the Feldenkrais Method. David has maintained a private practice since 1977. He currently directs Feldenkrais Access and has been creating programs and teaching classes and workshops online for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the public since 2020. He lives in the Farmington Valley area of Connecticut.